Università degli Studi di Pavia

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Lingua inglese mutuato da DM 270

Corsi di laurea:
Storia dell’Arte
Baicchi Annalisa
Anno accademico:
Codice corso:
Crediti formativi:
Decreto Ministeriale:
Ore di lezione:
4º trimestre
Lingua di insegnamento:



evaluation for attending students:
The exam, which is a written exam, is composed of two parts, assessment and final exam:
1. assessment (“esercitazioni”): various typologies of written exercises and activities concerning the morpho-syntactic and lexical structures of the English language.
2. final exam (monographic course):
reading comprehension of an academic text;
questions about the content of the passage and its linguistic and textual organization.
Students can sit the final exam only if they have passed the grammar assessment. The grammar assessment is offered three times a year, in June, September, and January. It is marked in hundreds and the ‘pass’ threshold is set at 70%. The final exam will be marked by the docente in 30/30 taking into account the results obtained in the assessment and the final exam.

evaluation for non attending students:
The exam, which is a written exam, is composed of two parts, assessment and final exam:
1. assessment (“esercitazioni”):
various typologies of written exercises and activities concerning the morpho-syntactic and lexical structures of the English language;cloze test.
2. final exam (monographic course):
reading comprehension of an academic text;
questions about the content of the passage and its linguistic and textual organization;
cloze test (based on the two sections of the volume “The Consolations of Philosophy”).


aver raggiungo il livello B1 del Quadro Europeo delle Lingue


The course aims to develop the skills necessary to read and analyse academic essays in the fields of philosophy, art, and linguistics. The course consists of lessons (Prof. Baicchi) and “esercitazioni” (CEL).Attendance to lessons and ‘esercitazioni’ is highly recommended (minimum 80% of lessons and ‘esercitazioni’, respectively). Students who do non attend at least 80% of lessons and ‘esercitazioni’ will have to study extra-readings (see Readings for non-attending students below) and complete extra-activities in the grammar assessment and in the final exam.

Syllabus for Attending Students:

(a) Monographic Course:
critical reading and analysis of academic essays in the fields of philosophy, art and linguistics will enhance the students to acquire and improve the mastering of specialised lexicon and complex morpho-syntactic structures of the English academic language as well as the development of reading strategies useful in the manipulation of texts. With a view of developing morphosyntactic, lexical and genre knowledge, some topics will be introduced such as marked syntactic structures, modal verbs, phrases and clauses, nominalization, coordination and subordination, word formation, collocations and idiomatic expressions, denotative vs. connotative meaning, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations among words, connectors, discourse markers, text types and genre analysis.

(b) “Esercitazioni”:
Students must attend “esercitazioni” twice a week during the third and the fourth term. The “esercitazioni” are designed in such as way so as to enhance the students’ competence of the English language along with complex morpho-syntactic structures, such as verb tenses and modal verbs, complex forms of the passive voice, hypothetical, concessive and temporal clauses, reported speech, phrasal verbs, subjunctive.

Syllabus for Non Attending Students: The contents of the monographic course and the “esercitazioni” are the same as those for attending students. In addition, non attending students have to complete extra-readings (see Readings for non-attending students below). To learn and practice the structures of the English language, non attending students can complete the exercises contained in the volume by Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use (3rd edition with answers and CD-Rom). Oxford: Cambridge University Press.

readings for non attending students: sections IV (pp.113-168 ) and V (pp. 171-202) the following book: De Botton Alain, The Consolations of Philosophy, London, Penguin


Reference Material

Monographic course:

BAICCHI Annalisa, “An English Reader for the Humanities” (dispensa a cura della docente): it contains a selection of philosophy, art and linguistics essays, plus further academic texts and material concerning the main topics in the humanities.

BALLARD Kim 2001, The Frameworks of English, London, Palgrave
MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use (3rd edition with answers and CD-Rom). Oxford: Cambridge University Press

PORCELLI G. & HOTIMSKI F. 2001, The Handbook of English Pronunciation, Milano, Sugarco

SWAN, Michael. 2005. Practical English Usage (3rd edition). Oxford University Press


MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use (3rd edition with answers and CD-Rom). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Further material will be listed during the esercitazioni.


Monolingual: The MacMillan? English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2007), Oxford: Macmillan (con CD-Rom)

Bilingual: PICCHI F. 1999, Grande Dizionario Inglese/Italiano - Italiano/Inglese, Milano, Hoepli

Pronunciation dictionary: JONES D. 2004, English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (con CD-Rom)

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