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[Il gatto nella storia- La storia del gatto]

"Die ältesten Dokumente über die Katze  von  Heinrich Brugsch  (1827-1894)"
        "Der vorstehende Vortrag  (link updated XII-2004) des Ägyptologen Heinrich Brugsch [ Brugsch  >>> ] wurde (erstmals) im Jahre 1889 in der Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Bd. 21, veröffentlicht"
"Herkunft und Geschichte der Hauskatze von Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)"
"Der vorstehende Vortrag  (link updated XII-2004) des Mediziners Rudolf Virchow wurde (erstmals) im Jahre 1889 in der Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Bd. 21, veröffentlicht".
"WHERE the cat came from is a mystery; you may believe the Noah story if you like. Wood says that the Egyptian Felis maniculata is the grandfather of our household pet, while Lydekker 1 summons modern authorities to prove that this progenitor was the Kaffir Cat, a yellowish cat with tiger stripes, Felis lybica, which still roams about northeastern Africa, hunting at night and living in holes dug by other animals. Again, probably, for all of this is quite as uncertain as the Noah story, the Romans brought the Egyptian cat to England some time before the fifth century and there is a theory to the effect that our modern tabby is a cross between this ancient animal and the British wild cat. This theory does not account for Persian and Angora cats at all as Egyptian cats were short-haired. A cat of Central Asia, popularly known as Pallas’s cat, is suspected of the ancestry of these more aristocratic beasts. As to the ailuros of the Greeks, I have already intimated that current scholarly opinion, which, of course, is worth very little, has come to the conclusion that this was not a cat at all, but the snowy-breasted marten".
        (Carl Van Vechten (1880–1964).  The Tiger in the House. 1922. Chapter Five The Cat in Folklore  >>> )

(Aelurophobia:  Un articolo tratto da Handy-Book of Curious Infomation Comprising strange happenings in the life of men and animals, odd statistics, extraordinary phenomena and out of the way facts concerning the wonderlands of the earth By William S. Walsh Philadelphia J. B. Lippincott Company 1913 Rutgers University Libraries AG5.W3)
[Omnipædia Polyglotta Francisco López Rodríguez dead link]

"Ailurophobes and Other Cat-Haters"  (Carl Van Vechten (1880–1964).  "The Tiger in the House". 1922.  Chapter Three

"Some men there are love not a gaping pig; Some that are mad if they behold a cat". Shylock).


A cat-deity of ancient Egypt, also called Bastet.  Bast  (Other Names: Bastet, Ailuros)

"Can the historical record of language tell us something about the society which produced it, about the range of historical experience? In the mid-19 th century various European linguists proposed the notion that the linguistic record of a group of languages should show the traits of historical development as the languages spread both socially and geographically. It remains curious that the Indo European language show no single word for the cat (Skt. marjarah, Gr. ailuros?, Lat. feles, Gmc. catt-) while dog is abundantly represented ( Skt. svan, Gr, kuon, Lat. canis, Goth. hunds, all connected inexorably be fixed sound-laws). Horse is oddly represented, for example Skt. asvas beside Latin equus, but the Gr. hippos has some phonological clouding and may be a different word, while the word for horse in the Germanic north is entirely different. It is hard to connect words in a web of history without supporting materials, but further work investigating actual sites with carbon dating methods may shed some light on some of these chapters of "linguistic history". People who moved across Europe over a seven thousand year trek should have left some physical records in campfire and cave relics, which may correlate with the words they carried in their trans-European journey".
 LINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGE An Overview (William Harris)

"Even the derivation of the name of the cat is shrouded in darkness. From the Latin word felis we have extracted feline but the word cattus or catus came into use as late as the fourth century A. D. and is to be found first in the writings of an agricultural author, Palladius, who recommends that puss be kept in artichoke gardens as a protection against rodents and moles. Evagrius Scholasticus, a later Greek church historian, uses the word catta. Isidorus derives cattus from cattare, meaning to see, in reference doubtless to the animal’s vigilance and watchfulness. On the other hand a writer in “Notes and Queries” declares that the only language, so far as he can ascertain, in which the word cat is significant is the Zend, in which the word gatu means a place, a particularly expressive word in this connection. His inference is that Persia is the original home of the cat and he goes on to say that the cat was probably introduced from Persia, through Spain, into Europe because the Spanish word gato is almost identical with the Zend. The only flaws in this brilliant philological reasoning are that the Spanish word is also almost identical with the late Latin and that Persian cats and European cats are two distinct breeds. Adolphe Pictet 2 derives catus from an African root: Arab, kitt, plural kitât; Syrian, katô; Nubian, kadiska, and in still other African tongues, kaddiska and gada. This ingenious etymologist further thinks that puss comes from an old Sanskrit word, puccha, piccha, meaning tail. There is a suggestion of this root in the Persian pushak; Afghan, pishik; Kurd, psig; Lithuanian, puize; Irish pus, feisag, fiseog, and feisain. A still more ingenious pundit thinks that the French chat is an onomatope for the cat’s spitting.    3
  To come to more familiar tongues, in Dutch the word is kat; in Swedish, katt; Italian, gatto; Portuguese and Spanish gato; Polish, kot; Russian, kots; Turkish, keti; Welsh, cath; Cornish, kath; German, die Katze (a Frenchman deploring that chat is masculine in French, admires this choice of gender); Basque, catua; Armenian, kitta; Picardian, ca, co; Burgundian, chai; Catalonian, gat. The antique rituals in the Louvre give the Egyptian name as mau, mai, maau. 3 These and the Chinese word, mao, seem the most natural of all"
                (Carl Van Vechten (1880–1964).  The Tiger in the House. 1922. Chapter Five The Cat in Folklore)

"AELURUS, in Egyptian mythology, sacred cat worshiped as a deity and embalmed and buried after its death at Bubastis. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, Aelurus was identified with Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt". ( dead link)

"The Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, Proterius, had been murdered in 457; a fanatical Monophysite, Timothy Aelurus (Ailuros), had been elected as his successor. He died in 477; the heretics elected one Peter Mongus - the "Stammerer" - to succeed him; the Catholics, John Talaia"

TIMOTHEOS AILUROS   "T. war Mönch in einem Kloster der nitrischen Wüste (Wadi Natrun) unweit von Alexandria, als der Patriarch Kyrillos (412-444) ihn angeblich mit Gewalt aus der Wüste nach Alexandria holte und ihn zum Presbyter weihen ließ. Man gab ihm den Beinamen `Ailuros' (= `die Wiesel'), weil er infolge der vielen Kasteiungen schmächtig war. Nach dem Sturz des Patriarchen Proterios wurde T. im März 457 in der großen Kirche der Stadt offenbar unter unregelmäßigen Umständen zum Patriarchen von Alexandria erhoben.  ....."  .      "Nach dem Tod des monophysitischen Erzbischofs Timotheos Ailuros (31.7. 477) wurde dessen Nachfolger Petros Mongos aus Alexandreia verbannt und unter Einsatz von Militär durch den prochalkedonensischen Timotheos Salophakiolos ersetzt. ..." ZENON  -  OPITZ

"Felix, the Cat, the Wonderful, Wonderful Cat!"  [  old dead link]   Felix the Cat
"Felix the Cat first hit the screen on November 9, 1919, in Feline Follies. The mischievous feline, created by Otto Messmer for the Pat Sullivan Studio, rocketed to fame, holding a spot as the world's most popular cartoon character until the advent of Mickey Mouse"
[ dead link]
History of Felix

 Naming cats
Smart JUBILATE AGNO For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry.

"Aeluropus Trin.
From the Greek ailuros (cat) and pous (foot), the allusion obscure.
Including Aelbroeckia De Moor, Chamaedactylis T. Nees
Habit, vegetative morphology. Perennial; rhizomatous, or stoloniferous, or caespitose, or decumbent. Culms 5–40 cm high; herbaceous; branched above, or unbranched above. Leaves not basally aggregated; non-auriculate. Leaf blades linear to linear-lanceolate (with a cartilaginous, often pungent apex); narrow; 0.6–3 mm wide; flat, or folded; without abaxial multicellular glands; without cross venation; a fringed membrane to a fringe of hairs.
Reproductive organization. Plants bisexual, with bisexual spikelets; with hermaphrodite florets.  ............"
    Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M. J. (1992 onwards). ‘Grass Genera of the World: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval; including Synonyms, Morphology, Anatomy, Physiology, Phytochemistry, Cytology, Classification, Pathogens, World and Local Distribution, and References.’ Version: 18th August 1999.

  "Many plants are named after cats: cat-briar,([XII - 2001])  an Americanism for smilax, which I offer to H. L. Mencken; cat-chop, which I have not identified; cat-haw, the fruit of the hawthorne; cat-in-clover, bird’s-foot trefoil; cat-keys, the fruit of the ash-tree; cat-sloe, the wild sloe; cat-succory, wild succory; cat’s-head, a variety of apple and also a fossil, cat-trail, the beloved valerian; cat-thyme, a species of teucrium which causes sneezing; cat-tree, spindle tree; the familiar cat-tails and catnip; catkins, imperfect flowers hanging from trees in the manner of a cat’s tail; cat’s-foot, an herb; and curiously enough, cat-whin or dog-rose!"
        (Carl Van Vechten (1880–1964).  The Tiger in the House. 1922. Chapter Five The Cat in Folklore)

Espressioni idiomatiche :  -  CAT(Animal Idioms & Expressions)  -     Cat - Phrase and Fable   [XII - 2001]

THE CAT THAT WALKED BY HIMSELF (Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling Originally published 1902)  [XII - 2001]

The cult of feline pdf   [jspui/bitstream Feline.pdf]

From the pages of Sheila E. McGinn       [V - 2002]
Cat Commandments (If you have nine lives, you need a few extra.) (what Moses should have said) [ dead link]
Catitudes  -  Cat  LawsCat_ProofingingCat Manual   (updated V - 2004)
Dog and CatWHERE DOG AND CAT CAME FROM A newly discovered fragment from Genesis 3:25ff:

Bast [ dead link]

 "Bast is represented in the ordinary form of a goddess, but as lion-headed in the earlier, and as cat-headed in the more recent times.  In most instances she bears upon her head the sun’s disk, with the uræus, but sometimes she has the disk only, sometimes the uræus only, and occasionally neither the one nor the other.327 Excepting by her hieroglyphic name, she is undistinguishable from Menh and Tafné".
(Egyptian Gods by George Rawlinson ) [ dead link]
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Gatti semitici:   Cats

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