Elio Jucci : SETH    -    "Semitica et Theologica"



Si può consultare in linea un'edizione elettronica dei volumi
Die gnostischen Schriften aus Nag Hammadi. Bibel der Häretiker. Die gnostischen Schriften aus Nag Hammadi.
Eingeleitet, übersetzt und kommentiert von Gerd Lüdemann und Martina Janßen - Stuttgart
Unterdrückte Gebete: gnostische Spiritualität im frühen Christentum, Gerd Lüdemann; Martina Janssen. – Stuttgart:
Per ulteriori informazioni :
Gnosisforschung in Göttingen  (Versione inglese della pagina: ttp://www.gwdg.de/~rzellwe/welcome_e.html )

The Ecumenical Coptic Project is non-profit and non-sectarian, distributing scholarly editions of the Nag Hammadi Gospels thruout the academic and religious communities http://www.etext.org/Religious.Texts/Metagospels/

Per qualche indicazione bibliografica cfr.:

E. Jucci, Recensione  di L. Moraldi, cur.,  Testi Gnostici, Torino 1982, in Nuova Antologia,  fasc. 2148, Ott. Dic. 1983, pp.469-471.
E. Jucci, Recensione di  I.P. Culianu, Lo Gnosticismo, Roma  1985,  in Bibbia   e Oriente, 157, XXX/3, 1988, 183-185.
E. Jucci, Recensione di L. Moraldi, I Vangeli Gnostici. Vangeli di  Tomaso, Maria, Verità, Filippo, Milano 1984, in Athenaeum LXXV, 1987, 565-567.
E. Jucci, Recensione di L. Moraldi, Le Apocalissi Gnostiche, Milano 1987,  in Athenaeum 78, 1990, 207-209.
E. Jucci, “L’ambiguità degli arconti tra giudaismo e gnosticismo”. in Gli arconti di questo mondo. Gnosi: Politica e Diritto. Profili di simbolica politico-giuridica, a cura di Claudio Bonvecchio e Teresa Tonchia, Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste 2000, 283-307.
E. Jucci, “Terreno, Psichico, Pneumatico  nel Capitolo 15  della Prima Epistola ai Corinzi”, in HenochV, 1983,  323-341. pdf


Gli arconti di questo mondo. Gnosi: Politica e Diritto. Profili di simbolica politico-giuridica, a cura di Claudio Bonvecchio e Teresa Tonchia, Ediz. Univ. Trieste 2000  gnosi.htm

The Gnostic Society Library

"contains a vast collection of primary documents relating to the Gnostic tradition as well as a selection of in-depth audio lectures and brief archive notes designed to orient study of the documents, their sources, and the religious tradition they represent".
The Gnosis Archive    (http://www.gnosis.org/) The Gnostic Society Library: The Nag Hammadi Library

JOHN D. TURNER,   Department of Classics and Religious Studies, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Presenta nel suo sito una selezione di importanti articoli [ le pagine sono state trasferite e i links aggiornati ...   -  IV - 2002 ]
 "The Gnostic Threefold Path to Enlightenment  "Sethian Gnosticism  "The Figure of Hecate  "Gnosticism and Platonism  "Typologies"Ritual in Gnosticism "To See The Light

e alcune sue traduzioni di testi gnostici di Nag Hammadi:
The Book of Thomas the Contender    ZostrianosMarsanesThe Interpretation of Knowledge  A Valentinian Exposition
On the Annointing   On Baptism A     On Baptism B   On the Eucharist A   AllogenesHypsiphroneThe Trimorphic Protennoia

Louis Painchaud, Quand un «évangile secret» fait recette au box office. Les textes de Nag Hammadi à Hollywood
    Publié dans Fil des événements vol 35/7 [7 Octobre 1999], 7 (le journal officiel de l'Université Laval)

Gnosticismo e Ermetismo

The Sacred Texts    http://www.hermetic.com/texts/index.htmlNell'ambito del sito The Hermetic Library -Web Hosting for the Spiritual Arts)

Bibliografía básica sobre los textos del hermetismo filosófico
    y referencias a otros autores o textos directamente relacionados con él    (Hermetic Net)

Gnosticismo e Orfismo       [ IV - 2002 ]

misteriOrphic Theogonygasparro

ENCICLOPÉDIA  SIMPOZIO Versão em Português do original em Esperanto - Evaldo Pauli

http://www.belinus.co.uk/mythology/Orpheus.htm [ IV - 2002 ]
EyerThe Orphic Hymns
Orpheus in Orbit Reframing Hellenistic Dualism of the Body and Earth, Shawn Eyer

Eyer, "Psychedelic Effects and the Eleusinian Mysteries." Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Traditions 2 (1993): 65-93. [IV - 2002 ]

http://www.manaburger.com/library/orpheus/ Fa parte del sito "Mana-Burger. Pneumatic Fast Food for the Soul"  Dead link


Vangeli gnostici

Mondo antico e mondo moderno

Il tema del parallelismo tra il mondo ellenistico e il mondo moderno (sull'argomento si ricordino  in particolare  i lavori di Jonas[ IV 2002 ]  [cfr. in proposito il citato vol. di Culianu]  e di Dodds)  viene  sviluppato anche in un aricolo di  David Ulansey, CULTURAL TRANSITION AND SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION: FROM ALEXANDER THE GREAT TO CYBERSPACE, in The Vision Thing: Myth, Psyche, and Politics in the World, edited by Thomas Singer (London and New York: Routledge, 2000) pp. 213-31 ( http://www.well.com/user/davidu/cultural.html ) di cui riporto un breve brano che incomincia con una significativa citazione di F. Cumont:

"Let us suppose that in modern Europe the faithful had deserted the Christian churches to worship Allah or Brahma, to follow the precepts of Confucius or Buddha, or to adopt the maxims of the Shinto; let us imagine a great confusion of all the races of the
world in which Arabian mullahs, Chinese scholars, Japanese bonzes, Tibetan lamas and Hindu pundits would be preaching
fatalism and predestination... a confusion in which all those priests would erect temples of exotic architecture in our cities and celebrate their disparate rites therein. Such a dream, which the future may perhaps realize, would offer a pretty accurate picture of the religious chaos in which the ancient world was struggling before the reign of Constantine." (Franz Cumont, Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism (New York: Dover Publications, 1956) pp. 196-7.
"Such a dream, which the future may perhaps realize...." [commenta Ulansey] As I sit in front of my computer at the turn of the millennium, aware that in any large American or European city I can expect to find a Tibetan Buddhist temple, a Sufi retreat center, a Zen meditation hall, the office of a Chinese acupuncturist, a communal home of Hari Krishna devotees, and a store selling the visionary art of tribal shamans, it is surprising to realize that as recently as 1906 the great Belgian classicist Franz Cumont could only "dream" of such a future. More significant, though, is the fact that most of Cumont's contemporaries would not have been able even to dream of such a future. For Cumont was able to imagine the possibility of the global culture of our own time only because he was knowledgeable about a previous epoch when a remarkably similar situation existed.
The epoch to which I refer is that which is usually called the "Hellenistic" age: the time period that began with the conquests of Alexander the Great in the late fourth century B.C.E. While the Hellenistic age as a strictly chronological division is often understood as coming to an end with the emergence of the Roman empire toward the end of the first century B.C.E., historians also recognize that the culture of the Roman empire was in many ways merely a continuation of Hellenistic cultural patterns. Thus the expression "Hellenistic Culture" is often used to name the large cultural system encompassing the Mediterranean and Near East from the time of Alexander the Great until the Roman empire's conversion to Christianity: as it is often put, "from Alexander to Constantine."

Stephen A. McKnight, University of Florida, "Voegelin’s View of Gnosticism and Modernity in Two Keynote Lectures from 1971 and 1975"
Stefan Rossbach, University of Kent at Canterbury, "‘Gnosis’ in Eric Voegelin’s Philosophy"     [IV - 2002 ]

Anthropoetics IV, no. 1 (Spring / Summer 1998), Peter Goldman, "Christian Mystery and Responsibility. Gnosticism in Derrida's The Gift of Death"[IV - 2002 ] 

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/9497841/Marvin-Meyer.html    "Marvin Meyer, born April 16 1948, died August 16 2012. Marvin Meyer - Marvin Meyer, who has died aged 64, was an expert on Gnosticism whose translation of the Gnostic Gospel of Judas challenged the traditional portrayal of Judas Iscariot as the Apostle who betrayed Jesus".



Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum   (THIS SITE IS UNDER FURTHER CONSTRUCTION)  IV 2002
This project, sponsored by UNESCO and the UAI (Union Academique Internationale), is a proposed publication in 60+ volumes of Manichaean texts from Egypt and Central Asia, edited by Professor Sam Lieu and international collaborators.  The Manichaeans, who were disciples of Mani, the third century AD "apostle of Jesus Christ", spread from Mesopotamia both West and East across the Silk Road.  The texts studied are multilingual - Latin, Greek, Coptic, Syriac, Middle Iranian, Turkish and Chinese.
CORPUS FONTIUM MANICHAEORUM PROJECT Co-Director: Professor Samuel Lieu School of History, Philosophy & Politics Macquarie University, NSW, 2109 Sydney, AUSTRALIA
    http://gospel-thomas.net/   Michael W. Grondin   "
The Gospel of Thomas Resource Center. Formerly called "The Codex II Student Resource Center" (C2SRC), this is a resource center for independent research related to Nag Hammadi Codex II. Featuring the Web's first complete Coptic/English translation of the Gospel of Thomas"
Peter Kirby "This page explores modern interpretations of the Gospel according to Thomas, an ancient text preserved in a Coptic translation at Nag Hammadi and Greek fragments at Oxyrhynchus. With no particular slant, this commentary gathers together quotations from various scholars in order to elucidate the meaning of the sayings, many of which are rightly described as "obscure.""

The Gospel of Mary From the Nag Hammadi Library, James M. Robinson.

The Gnostic Viewpoint: Essays on Modern Gnosticis: Vari articoli introduttivi di Stephan A. Hoeller (Tau Stephanus, Gnostic Bishop)

The Codex II Student Resource Center    (M.Grondin)

A resource center for independent research related to Nag Hammadi Codex II.
Featuring the Web's first complete Coptic/English translation of the Gospel of Thom

Ancientì wisdom   Dead link IV 2002

Holger Nielen, Buchrezension: Harald Strohm: Die Gnosis und der Nationalsozialismus     [ VII - 2003 ]



Culianu: Cfr.
Eros, Magic, and the Death of Professor Culianu By Ted Anton Chapter One: Religion as a System

ANDREI OISTEANU, Un altfel de Culianu (I), Reflectii pe marginea cartii lui Ted Anton, Eros, Magic and the Murder of Professor Culianu, Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Illinois, 1996 http://www.dntb.ro/22/1996/51/oisteanu.html Dead link IV 2002
Eros, Magic, and the Murder of Professor Culianu By Ted Anton. Northwestern University Press,1996. Reviewed by Claire Fanger, University of Western Ontario    http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeII/CulianuReview.html
Forces of Darkness By John Crowley   http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/reviews/erosmagicandthedeath.htm

        Citando Culianu non si può evitare di ricordare il suo predecessore nell'universita di Chicago,  Mircea Eliade.


The contents of this site are copyright (C) by Elio Jucci
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