Elio Jucci : SETH    -    "Semitica et Theologica"

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Michel Despland,
        Comment apprend-on à faire de l'histoire des religions ? L'exemple d'Hérodote Religiologiques21 (2000)

   The History of Religions: Essays in Methodology  by Mircea Eliade and Joseph M. Kitagawa (eds.)
        Published by University of Chicago Press, 1959 - consultabile interamente sul sito di Religion Online

1 Preface by Jerald C. Brauer  2 The History of Religions in America by Joseph M. Kitagawa
3 Comparative Religion: Whither -- and Why? by Wilfred Cantwell Smith
4 The Supreme Being: Phenomenological Structure and Historical Development by Raffaele Pettazzoni
5 Phenomenology of Religions and Philosophy of Religion by Jean Daniélou
6 Methodological Remarks on the Study of Religion’s Symbolism by Mircea Eliade
7 The Notion of "Real Elite" in Sociology and in History by Louis Massignon
8 On Understanding Non-Christian Religions by Ernst Benz
9 The History of Religions as a Preparation for the Co-operation of Religions by Friedrich Heiler

     Mircea Eliade
        Changing Religious Worlds: The Meaning and End of Mircea Eliade Edited by Bryan Rennie

    Forces of Darkness By John Crowley  Sunday, October 20, 1996

            Presentazione         di Eros, Magic, and the Death of Professor Culianu By Ted Anton  Chapter One: Religion as a System

        HISTORIA DE LAS RELIGIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA GENERAL Preparada por Francisco Diez de Velasco

    Il Sacro e il Cibo:     Consiglio vivamente la lettura di:

Nourriture et sacré, Sous la direction de Jean Duhaime:
    Offrandes alimentaires aux morts en Mésopotamie
    Lois alimentaires et pureté corporelle dans le Lévitique.L'approche de Mary Douglas et sa réception par Jacob Milgrom
    La consommation du sang, de l'interdit biblique à l'avidité vampirique
    Corps étranger, corps sacrifié. Le symbolisme corporel dans les contextes de sacrifice humain de la société moche du Pérou précolombien
    Le sacrifice, la table et la fête. Les aspects «néo-antiques» de la liturgie du candomblé brésilien
    Le sacrifice de la chair et la nourriture des dieux hindous
    Ceci est mon corps». Manger la chair humaine
    Se nourrir et grandir. De l'importance de quelques comportements alimentaires dans les rites de passage
    Andean Nutrition, Exchange and Ritual
    Rites eucharistiques dans les us et coutumes alimentaires du bas Moyen Âge
    Mais où sont les repas d'antan? Repas et rituel aujourd'hui
    Poiré, sacré poiré. La Fête du poiré dans le bocage normand
    Engendrer, nourrir, dévorer. Les fonctions symboliques de la féminité
    Quelques remarques sur les manuscrits judéo-persans du Qohélet de la Bibliothèque nationale de France

Titoli tratti dal sito   Project Unicorn

"We use(d) the name of a mythological animal to name a probably never-ending project, that's exploring the (mostly) unrecognized myths throughout the history of mankind".
    William JamesThe Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature  http://www.religion-online.org/
                                    Human Immortality

    Sir James George Frazer , The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion
           Siti alternativi:  Project Unicorn   Unicorn-Archive   Golden Bough

"The Constructions of Ancient Space Seminar

is a research group comprising members from the American Academy or Religion and Society of Biblical Literature, and members of the Guild for Academic Images Research . The Seminar meets online throughout the year and once annually at the national meetings of the AAR and SBL to discuss papers and exchange ideas regarding the ancient space and the meanings of space in antiquity, especially at it was understood in Southwestern Asia. For further information please consult About This Site below. Access to papers and discussions is sometimes limited to members of the Seminar ...".
http://www.gunnzone.org/constructs/1998 Program and Papers    1999 Program and Papers
 2001 Papers and Program     2000 Papers and Program
Thomas B. Dozeman, Geography and History in Herodotus and in Ezra-Nehemiah
    El Escorial y el Templo de Salomón    Juan Rafael de la Cuadra Blanco (con contributi di  Marinus Gout e Manuel Ayllón)
(El Escorial está basado en el esquema arquitectónico y las medidas del Templo de Jerusalén del siglo I, según la descripción del historiador judeo-romano Flavio Josefo). [ VII - 2002 ]
    EL ESCORIAL Y LOS PAÍSES BAJOS Juan Rafael de la Cuadra y Wim de Groot  (contriubuto di José Luis Gonzalo)   [ VII - 2002 ]

    Lectures on the Religion of the Semites by William Robertson Smith  (New Edition, Revised) London: Adam & Charles Black,1894 [ IX - 2003 ]

    Lectures on the origin and growth of religion as illustrated by the religion of the ancient BabyloniansA. H. Sayce,  Oxford, Williams and Norgate, 1898.  hebbert_lectures_1887.html[ IX - 2003 ]

    The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria by Morris Jastrow, Jr., Ph.D. Boston: Ginn & Co. 1898 JAST.REL.html[ IX - 2003 ]

RELIGIOLOGIQUES - Sciences humaines et religion -  Département des sciences religieuses, Universit? du Qu?bec ? Montr?al

   Challenges and blessings of the fourth stage    Paideusis  Journal for Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Studies

    John C. Reeves, University of North Carolina at Charlotte:

The Recovery of the Enochic Library  Description of the project  Preliminary bibliography
Trajectories in Near Eastern Apocalyptic
    David Ulansey. Professor of Philosophy and Religion at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco
           Mithraism: APPENDIX III WHY NOT A MITHRAIC FISH?   http://www.well.com/user/davidu/appendix3.html

    THE GNOSIS ARCHIVE        http://www.webcom.com/~gnosis/

   A webresource by Sytze van der Laan

    "About this web site
The Gospel of Thomas Bibliography was created in 1995. These pages were initially put online to be able to check my notes for my Master's thesis in any library or place that is hooked up to the net, since I tend to forget to bring my notebook. In a way, these are my "online notes", and you're welcome to use these pages for your research.
The Greek Gospel of Thomas Texts originally consisted only of English translations of the three Greek fragments. In 1998, I added images of the Greek text to POxy 1, 654 and 655. Also, an online edition of the Oxyrhynchus funeral shroud that was discovered in 1953 is presented. Further, information about the discovery and the present locations of the papyri can be found here
The Coptic Gospel of Thomas Text is currently under construction. This will be an online edition of the Coptic Gospel of Thomas in order to give people a better idea of the original text. Images of the Coptic text can be found in one column, and an English translation in the other. The order of the Facsimile Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices (Codex II, Leiden, 1974) will be maintained".

    "The interdisciplinary seminar on the Jewish Roots of Eastern Christian Mysticism   [ V - 2002 ]

is designed as the internet version of an ongoing research seminar of graduate students at the department of theology of Marquette University (Milwaukee, USA). The seminar is directed by Alexander Golitzin, a professor of eastern Christian theology (Marquette University). The seminar started in March 2002 as an attempt to investigate Jewish mystical traditions in the eastern Christian theological and liturgical texts. It was thought that the seminar would help initiate and inspire the discussion about the Jewish influences on eastern Christian mysticism among a broader audience.    The internet version of the seminar was constituted on April 17, 2002. It is a regular text seminar consisting of scholars and graduate students of ancient languages, systematic theology, philosophy, patristics, biblical exegesis, and Judaism.     Currently the seminar is not confined solely to the students of Marquette University but also includes participants from various scholarly communities" Project Moderators: James Miller, Andrei Orlov.
Temi: 1. Jewish and Christian Mysticism: Definitions; 2.  Theological Legacies of Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, John Meyendorff, Alexander Schmemann, Dumitru Staniloae, Andrew Louth and John Zizioulas and the issues of the origins and the nature of Eastern Christian mysticism and its connections with the Greek and Jewish mystical traditions;  3.  Aphrahat;   4. The Macarian Homilies; 5. Evagrius of Pontus; 6. Corpus Dionysiacum 7. Jacob of Serug;  8. Anthropomorphism in Rabbinic and Eastern Christian Sources; 9.  Baptismal Traditions, 10. Garments of Light;  11. Staretz as an Angelus Interpres 12. Prayer of the Heart in Hesychasm and in the Hekhalot Writings; 13. Adamic Traditions in Jewish and Syrian Christian Writings; 14. Enochic Traditions in Ethiopic Liturgy and Iconography 15. Neoplatonism and the Eastern Christian Mysticism; 16. Eastern Christian Lectionaries and Jewish Traditions,  17. The Pseudepigrapha and the Transmission of Jewish Texts and Traditions in Eastern Christian Environment; 18. Ascent to Heaven in Jewish and Christian Mysticism; 19. Late Jewish Mysticism. Bibliografie
      Society of Biblical Literature Early Jewish and Christian Mysticism Webpage[ VI - 2002 ]

    Charles Mopsik et Eric Smilevitch
    Observations sur l'oeuvre de Gershom Scholem,  Article paru dans Pardés, vol. 1, 1985, p. 6-31.   Journal of Kabbalah Studies   [IV - 2002 ]

    Charles Mopsik (il seguente articolo contiene importanti precisazioni, e tiene conto dei suggerimenti contenuti nei lavori di M. Idel)
    A propos d'une polémique récente concernant l'œuvre de Gershom Scholem. Considérations méthodologiques et réflexions sur la fémininité de la Chekhina dans la cabale        Article paru dans la revue Pardés, 12, 1990, p. 13-25
    Sullo stesso sito  (Journal of Kabbalah Studies) si veda l'elenco del materiale disponibile nella pagina: Archives de la recherche -  Research Archives

   THE ORPHIC THEOGONY    Wisdom of the Ages  [IV - 2002 ]    (orfismo e gnosticismo)

Hesiod as Precursor to the Presocratic Philosophers: A Voeglinian View, Richard F. Moorton, Jr.
Eric Voegelin Society 17th Annual Meeting Papers Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 2001  San Francisco, California [IV - 2002 ]
Early Greek Philosophy   This text is a reprint of the 3rd edition of John Burnet's famous study of Presocratic philosophy, Early Greek Philosophy, originally published in 1920     [IV - 2002 ]
EXPLORING PLATO'S DIALOGUES A Virtual Learning Environment on the World-Wide Web
The Pre-Socratics  Charles Taylor    [IV - 2002 ]
    Astrology, Magic, and Religion     calendari - astrologia  [IV - 2002 ]
         Esoterica: The Journal of Esoteric Studies     http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/
"A peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the transdisciplinary study of Western esotericism: Western esoteric traditions including alchemy, astrology, Gnosticism, gnosis, magic, mysticism, Rosicrucianism, and secret societies, and their ramifications in art history, history, literature, and politics.  College of Arts and Letters - Michigan State University".
    GUIA BIBLIOGRAFICA DEL ESOTERISMO   Tradición Hermética y Gnosis II

   Twilit Grotto: Archives of Western Esoterica Molto materiale scelto

   THE GOLDEN ELIXIR A Website on Chinese Alchemy


        The Internet Vampire Tribune Quarterly De Natura Haeretica's Electronic Journal of Vampire Studies


forthcoming in Southern Atlantic Quartlerly, "Cyberculture,ll Fall 93
  http://www.avesta.org/    Avesta -- Zoroastrian Archives
 ""Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed world-religions, and it has probably had more influence on mankind, directly and indirectly, than any other single faith." -Mary Boyce, Zoroastrians.   We provide the complete text of the extant Avesta, the most ancient scriptures of Zoroastrianism, as well as many Pahlavi scriptures. It also includes information about the Avestan language, and other useful information for students of Zoroastrian religion. Most of the texts in these archives are extremely rare".

    INTERFAITH CALENDAR  Primary sacred times for world religions

   http ://www.adherents.com/

"Adherents.com is a growing collection of over 41,000 adherent statistics and religious geography citations -- references to published membership/adherent statistics and congregation statistics for over 4,000 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, etc."

    Robert Gnuse,

The emergence of monoteism in ancient Israel: a survey of recent sholarchip ;
Redefining the Elohist tradition: 'Pools of oral tradition'
     Jeffrey H. Tigay, University of Pennsylvania:     A SECOND TEMPLE PARALLEL TO THE BLESSINGS FROM KUNTILLET AJRUD

    Baruch Halpern  THE BAAL (AND THE ASHERAH?) IN SEVENTH-CENTURY JUDAH  2 parte   3  parte  Preface by David Ross

   Asherah    (In Search of Ancient IsraelSite Index)

    Greg Herrick,     Baalism in Canaanite Religion and Its Relation to Selected Old Testament Texts


Fachgebiet Religionswissenschaft    Institute for the Study of Religions
Internet Journal of Religion
Marburg Journal of Religion
Science of Religion

Giulia Sfameni  Gasparro

Notizie dal mistero

Sette esoteriche e religioni emergenti in Italia Indagine ISPES-PANORAMA Ricerca diretta da Cecilia Gatto Trocchi, docente di Antropologia Culturale presso la facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell'Università di Perugia.  Roma, febbraio 1990

Deutsche Vereinigung für Religionsgeschichte (DVRG)
International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR)

Associazione Italiana  per lo Studio dei Santi, dei Culti e dell'Agiografia

Italian Association for the Study of Sanctity,  Cults and Hagiography
Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni
"La Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni, fondata nel 1951da Raffaele Pettazzoni (1883-1959, dal 1923 primo titolare di una cattedra di Storia delle religioni all'Università di Roma e fondatore nel 1925 della rivista Studi e materiali di Storia delle Religioni, tuttora pubblicata), si prefigge l'incremento e la diffusione in Italia degli studi di Storia delle Religioni, ed opera nell'ambito degli statuti e nello spirito dell'International Association for the History of Religion, fondata nel 1950".

IL MARGINE - Mensile dell'associazione culturale Oscar A. Romero

È un mensile pubblicato a Trento dall'associazione "Oscar A. Romero". Fondato nel 1981 si occupa   di fede, cultura, politica. Ha dedicato numeri monografici a don Lorenzo Milani e la scuola di Barbiana, Giuseppe Lazzati, Gandhi, Giorgio Prodi, il Concilio Vaticano II, J.B. Metz, Giuseppe Dossetti.
Progetto Eutifrone -  Bibliografia ragionata di Storia delle Religioni - a cura del dott. Fabio Mora

Altri strumenti bibliografici in rete per storici delle religioni a cura del dott. Fabio Mora

   Bibliographie über Ritualtheorie,   zusammengestellt von J.A.M. Snoek, 22 November 2000

    (Una bibliografia preziosa, non solo sul Rito!)
(Institut für Religionswissenschaft der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg DFG-Projekt Ritualistik und Religionsgeschichte: Zoroastrische Rituale in wechselnden kulturellen Kontexten)
Institut d'ethnologie - Université de Neuchâtel, Semestre d'hiver 1998-1999
Séminaire 2 - Don, échange et dette - Bibliographie sur le sacrifice, Etablie par Christian Ghasarian
The Fathers of the Church

All Agnostics Here by Martin E. Marty

"Theologians, sociologists, historians and other standard commentators on religion are not likely to grow insecure reading this account of "the American religion." by Harold Bloom, who according to the dust jacket and a wide consensus is the country's "most distinguished literary critic." The book is a provocation, not a candidate for "standard" status. It is likely to find its place alongside books like Erik Erikson’s Young Man Luther and Norman 0. Brown's Life Against Death—books that one must reckon with but are seen finally as idiosyncratic. Yet they luxuriously advance the industry of the interpreters who, without nudges from such creative probers, could easily grow complacent.
The thesis propounded by this self-described sometimes gnostic and sometimes agnostic Jew is that the American religion is not Protestant or Christian but Gnostic. It develops somewhat after the manner of the Gnosticism which spun off, challenged and sometimes fused with early Christianity. The subject and object of this Gnosticism is not God as God but God as or of or in the self".
Letture Girardiane 

    Bruce Chilton, Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Religion
An Analysis of Sacrifice: the Systematic Approach of René Girard
Toward a Typology of Sacrifice

  Mimetische Theorie Beiträge zur mimetischen Theorie von René Girard    [XII - 2001]

Schöpfung und Opfer. Roberto Calasso und René Girard
http://theol.uibk.ac.at/rgkw/leseraum/opfer/30.html Raymund Schwager
Mimesis und Opfer - Sünde und Bekehrung
Was bedeutet theologische Kritik der Literatur?
http://theol.uibk.ac.at/rgkw/leseraum/opfer/57.html  Raymund Schwager
Will Gott Opfer? Raymund Schwager Publiziert in: Entschluss 48/1 (1993) 4-7

Rahner, Girard und dramatische Theologie
Innsbrucker Ansätze zu einer Dogmatik in "nachkirchlicher Zeit" (26.11.2001)
Willi Sandler http://theol.uibk.ac.at/rgkw/leseraum/wissenschaft/118.html

[This essay was published in Contagion: A Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1996): 103-119.]

Anthropoetics II, no. 1 Special Issue on René Girard ISSN 1083-7264

    Table of Contents    (l'intero numero della rivista compresso)
Eric Gans - Introductory Remarks
René Girard (with Markus Müller) - Interview
James Williams - René Girard Without the Cross? Religion and the Mimetic Theory
Thomas Bertonneau - Two Footnotes: The Double Necessity of Girard and Gans
Matthew Schneider - Mimetic Polemicism: René Girard and Harold Bloom contra the "School of Resentment" - A Review Essay

http://gem.multimania.com/girard/girindex.htm http://gem.multimania.com/girard/
    Introduction à la lecture de René Girard, Pascal Goyeau

"Résumé: Par la comparaison et l'analyse des grandes œuvres littéraires (dont les textes mythologiques et religieux, comme la bible), René Girard leur a découvert un point commun : le portrait de l'homme qu'elles tracent tire sa vérité de la peinture des imitations réciproques entre les personnages.
La théorie mimétique, de René Girard, permet de comprendre l'ensemble des phénomènes humains. Elle explique la genèse des désirs, comment ils causent des conflits, comment ils résolvent ces conflits et fondent ce faisant toute la culture : la religion et la mythologie, les structures de pouvoirs, l'économie, les définitions fondamentales (famille, spécialisation sociale...) bref la société.
Cette théorie unifie les sciences humaines, et permet de comprendre et de résoudre l'essentiel des problèmes de ces disciplines, de la psychologie à la sociologie, en passant par l'économie et la politique. Quelques exemples servent à la démonstration, et des exercices sont exposés.
Sur le plan littéraire, elle permet une profonde compréhension des grands textes, d'Eschyle à Proust, en passant par Cervantès, Shakespeare, Flaubert ou Dostoïevski.
Plus profondément, elle éclaire des points théologiques et humanistes essentiels, dont la question du sens de la vie humaine".


Louis BENOIT, Apollonius de Tyane contre René Girard  d'après La Vie d'Apollonius de Tyane de Philostrate d'Athènes

Yann Forget, Expériences de non-violence. Une expérience personnelle et ses correspondances avec les travaux de René Girard et Jim Douglass

The Journal of Religion & Film Jon Woo's The Killer and Girard, by Tony Michael and Ken Derry
First Things: A Journal of Religion and Public Life. Are the Gospels Mythical?, Rene Girard


"Girardian Reflections on the Lectionary Paul Nuechterlein & Friends.   "What Are "Girardian" Reflections?
René Girard, now a professor Emeritus at Stanford University, has helped to elaborate what many are calling an “anthropology of the cross.” I hope to illustrate in these lectionary reflections the significance of this anthropology as a new key to interpreting the Gospel!".
"The Bible and Sacrifice: An 'Apology' with a Collage of Texts Illustrating the Bible's Confrontation with Sacrifice." by Paul Nuechterlein

Excerpt from René Girard's Things Hidden since the Foundation of the World. Research undertaken in collaboration with Jean-Michel Oughourlian and Guy Lefort. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1987, pages 167-179.


              Baruch Spinoza 1632 - 1677,  A THEOLOGICO-POLITICAL TREATISE   >>>  Published 1670 anonymously
"The text is that of the translation of  "A Theologico-Political Treatise" by R. H. M. Elwes.   This text is "an unabridged and     unaltered republication of the Bohn Library edition originally published by George Bell and Sons in 1883."
               http://www.yesselman.com/   http://www.yesselman.com/ttpelws1.htm   http://www.yesselman.com/ttpelws2.htm
        http://www.yesselman.com/ttpelws3.htm   http://www.yesselman.com/ttpelws4.htm  [updated XI - 2004]

        http://multitudes.samizdat.net/auteur.php3?id_auteur=25    Nicolas Israel:    Philosophe, il enseigne à l’Université. Il a publié un livre sur Spinoza Spinoza le temps de la vigilance (Payot, 2001) et prépare un ouvrage sur les fondements théologiques et métaphysiques du droit moderne. ---    La sécurité et les droits de l’homme juin 2002 - - Temps et politique dans l’oeuvre de Spinoza mai 2000 - - Tiempo y política en la obra de Spinoza mai 2000   [XI - 2004]

        Établissement du texte du Tractatus theologico-politicus de Spinoza, suivi de quatre interprétations    [XI - 2004]
        http://www.ub.rug.nl/eldoc/bookshelves/akkerman/12textet.pdf     F. Akkerman    http://www.ub.rug.nl/eldoc/bookshelves/akkerman/
        Le caractère rhétorique du Traité théologico-politique     http://www.ub.rug.nl/eldoc/bookshelves/akkerman/05caract.pdf


   http://www.piney.com/    Bible And History  (e l'uso della musica) -
    Bible Topics  http://www.piney.com/Topical.html    Musical Worship Index    http://www.piney.com/MuIndex2.html


"A selective, annotated guide to a wide variety of electronic resources of interest to those who are involved in the study and
practice of religion: syllabi, electronic texts, electronic journals, websites, bibliographies, listserv discussion groups, liturgies,
reference resources, software, etc. The purpose of the Guide is to encourage and facilitate the incorporation of electronic
resources into teaching"

  Papers presented during the Religious Rivalries Seminar for the 2001 Annual Meeting at Laval University in Quebec City.

     Alicia Batten, “The Moral World of Graeco-Roman Associations”
     Mary Rose D'Angelo, “Eusebeia: Roman Imperial Family Values and the Sexual Politics of 4 Maccabees and 1 Timothy
     Philip A. Harland, “Spheres of Contention, Claims of Preeminence: Rivalries Among Associations in Sardis and Smyrna
     Jim W. Knight, “Was Roma the Scarlet Harlot?: The Worship of the Goddess Roma in Sardis and Smyrna”
     Jack N. Lightstone, “‘The City’ in Early Rabbinic Literature
     Steven Muir, “Mending yet Fracturing – Healing as an Arena of Conflict between Religious Communities”
     Michelle Murray, “Was there religious coexistence or competition in ancient Priene?”

Religious Rivalries and the Struggle for Success: Jews, Christians and Other Religious Groups in Local Settings in the First Two Centuries C.E.
2002    James B. Rives, “Religious Life in Roman Carthage, c. 180 C.E.”

    Erich Fromm,  On Mysticism and Religion (1999a)

    Jan Dietrich, Das Religionsverständnis Erich Fromms. Eine Einleitung in die nachfolgende Kontroverse zwischen dem christlichen Humanisten Alfons Auer und dem nicht-theistischen Humanisten Erich Fromm, von

    Rainer Funk, Le radici ebraiche del pensiero umanistico di Erich Fromm  [ The Jewish Roots of Erich Fromm's Humanistic Thinking  Die jüdischen Wurzeln des humanistischen Denkens von Erich Fromm ]    downloadabout_fromm


Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses

    JAMES GOLLNICK, Dream interpretation in the psychology of religion: A topic review (Volume 28 Number 3 / 1999)  [ IV 2002 ]
    AARON HUGHES, Two approaches to the love of God in medieval Jewish thought: The concept of devequt in the works of Ibn Ezra and Judah Halevi (28-2/1999) [ IV 2002 ]
    LOUIS PAINCHAUD,    L'édition de la bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi à l'Université Laval prend un nouveau départ (Volume 28 Number 2 / 1999) [ IV 2002 ]

    Silvia Schroer, Die Gerechtigkeit der Sophia Biblische Weisheitstraditionen und feministische Diskurse (lectio difficilior)

L'imaginaire de la fin     Les lieux de l'imaginaire
La bibliographie présentée ici a été compilée par l'équipe de recherche de l'Imaginaire de la Fin (IF). Les ressources qui y  sont indexées traitent toutes de la problématique de la fin telle qu'analysée par le groupe de recherche.

AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION Webpage maintained by CHIDI DENIS ISIZOH Bibliography on African Traditional Religion

    Serge GUILMIN,  La paix des religions Méditerranée, carrefour de paroles      (Théolib)
    Christian MAZEL, Les religions sont-elles facteur de crise ou de stabilité ?  (Théolib)
    "L'Islam tra noi - Dalle paure al confronto". CONVEGNO FISC (Federazione italiana dei settimanali cattolici), Venezia 9-11 NOVEMBRE 2000  [XII -2001]

Interventii d Fausto Bonini, Thomas Michel, Maria Pia Pedani Fabris, Justo Lacunza Balda, Vincenzo Rini, Stefano Allievi, DachanPino Gulia, Marco Cè, Giuseppe Chiaretti, Michael Fitzgerald, Massimo Cacciari, Mohamed Nour Dachan, Mario Scialoja, Vincenzo Rini

Heaven's gate    [XII - 2001]


http://www.levity.com/William James: The Varieties of Religious Experience

http://www.goth.net/ BIBLIOGRAPHIES for THEOLOGY    Compiled by Fr. William Harmless, S.J. With special emphasis for books in the collection of Byrne Library, Spring Hill College

    Carmen Dal Monte,  Note sul concetto di mito in Ernst Cassirer  in "Esercizi filosofici" Annali n.3 del Dipartimento di Filosofia dell’Università di Trieste.

" .... Il mutamento di prospettiva nei confronti del pensiero mitico che si ritrova negli scritti statunitensi di Ernst Cassirer rispetto ai contenuti della Filosofia delle forme simboliche è l’argomento principe di queste pagine. E’ un cambiamento che apre la strada alla possibilità di ridiscutere il ruolo e il concetto del mito all’interno della panoramica del nostro secolo. Dal secondo volume della FFS alle opere scritte nell’arco degli anni che va dal 1941 alla morte è possibile seguire un percorso intorno allo studio del mito che mette in luce come gli ultimi scritti del filosofo tedesco non siano esclusivamente divulgativi del suo pensiero ma esposizioni originali di un avvenuto cambiamento di opinione in una ricerca che ha occupato Cassirer quasi ininterrottamente per più di un ventennio.  ...."

Les classiques des sciences sociales   [VIII - 2002]

Une collection unique et originale dans le monde francophone - développée en collaboration avec la Bibliothèque Paul-Émile-Boulet de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi - fondée et drigée par Jean-Marie Tremblay, professeur de sociologie au Cégep de Chicoutimi.

        Hodge, Systematic Theology

        MormoniMYTHHOME Mythology Probert Encyclopaedia - Mythology

Danish Medieval Art      [IX - 2002]
This web site is dedicated primarily to the medieval wall paintings in the village churches dated 1100 to 1600. However, when possible, information on iconographic images found in Danmarks kirker will be presented.

    Incontro Internazionale di Studi sulle tre Religioni abramitiche
Which God for Which Humanity?Religions question themselves. 23 - 29 maggio 2000

http://spot.colorado.edu/~chernus/  http://www.colorado.edu/ReligiousStudies/chernus/index.html

The attacks of September 11, 2001, and the United States response have pushed the spiral of violence ever higher.
Nonviolent responses are possible. It is now more important than ever to consider nonviolent alternatives. Nonviolence means much more than just passively "turning the other cheek." It means finding active, positive, creative ways to live. There is a rich intellectual heritage of nonviolence, and a great deal of that heritage has originated here in the United States. To promote awareness of that heritage and efforts to enrich it, I am writing an introductory book on The Idea of Nonviolence in U.S. History.     The chapters are still in draft form.

        Podella: ritualità http://www.uni-muenster.de/Psalmen/priester.htmlhttp://www.uni-muenster.de/Psalmen/kult01.html
      Bibliografie     [ VI - 2003 ]

    Weberian Sociology of Religion (WSR)    Max Weber - Sociologia delle religioni - opere e studi
           http://www.ne.jp/asahi/moriyuki/abukuma/what_newMax Weber's Approach to Religion    [ VII - 2003 ]

    "Max Weber's Texts:   This is the main project of Weberian Sociology of Religion Homepage. The goal is to make Weber's texts available all over the world. Some of them are a HTML edition of a printed text, and some of them are entirely revised edition by Moriyuki Abukuma"

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - The Sociology of Religion - Sociology of World Religions: Introduction - World Rejection and Theodicy -
Sociology of Rulership and Religion  -   And More with Annotation ...

SemperReformanda  Biblical Typology by Warren Gage - Analogical Imagination by W,Gage - The Long Ending of Mark by W. Gage [ VII - 2003 ]

Scienza e Religione    Scienza e Teologia        Si vedano anche i Links della pagina  [VII -2003]

    Investing in the Afterlife ( per lo più in in giapponese ... comunque un sito magnifico )   2000Afterlife    immagini   [IX -2003]
      Vorwort  (Stephan Steingräber) EINFÜHRUNG
LE PITTURE FUNERARIE DI PAESTUM Angela Pontrandolfo    07007.html
TOMB ARCHITECTURE AND FUNERAL PAlNTlNG OF ANCIENT MACEDONlA: IVth - IIIrd CENTURY B.C. Maria Tsibidou-Avloniti Hariklia Brecoulaki  07009.html
KATALOG TEXTE IN DEUTSCH     II Photographische Reproduktionen etruskischer Grabmalereien auf Canva von Takashi Okamura
I Grabarchitektur und Grabmalerei in Apulien 08004.html  08006.html
The University Museum The University of Tokyo Bulletin

L'étude de la religion au Québec : Bilan et prospective Jean-Marc Larouche et Guy Ménard  Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 2001    http://www.erudit.org/livre/larouchej/2001/index.html [X -2003]

La tradition et la littérature juives Ira Robinson livrel4_div10.htm
II. Textes sacrés et traditions religieuses anciennes. La Bible hébraïque Jean-Pierre Prévost livrel4_div16.htm

" Il Centro Studi  "Miti, Simboli e Politica", che riunisce studiosi di parecchi Atenei, italiani e stranieri, è specializzato nell'analisi  dei fenomeni sociali, politici e giuridici, attraverso un'ermeneutica che, a differenza delle tradizionali letture, utilizza il simbolo  non solo come oggetto ma anche come strumento d'indagine".





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