Università degli Studi di Pavia

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

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Baicchi Annalisa

Professore ordinario
Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture Moderne - Università degli Studi di Genova - Palazzo Serra. Piazza Santa Sabina, 2. 16124 Genova. http://www.lingue.unige.it

Elenco corsi

Lingua inglese 2

+ Altri anni accademici

Lingua inglese –b (mutuato da Lingua inglese 2)
Lingua inglese 2
Lingua inglese –b
Storia della lingua inglese (Letterature Europee e Americane)
Storia della lingua inglese (Linguistica teorica, applicata e delle lingue moderne)
Lingua inglese (c.p.)
Lingua inglese 2
Lingua inglese –b
Storia della lingua inglese
Lingua inglese (c.p.)
Lingua inglese 2
Lingua inglese –b
Lingua inglese (c.p.)
Lingua inglese 2 (Lingue e culture moderne)
Lingua inglese 2 (Lingue e culture moderne)
Lingua inglese –b
Lingua inglese (c.p.)
Lingua inglese - b
Lingua inglese 3
Lingua inglese: stilistica linguistica e contrasti [...]
Lingua inglese 3
Lingua inglese –b
Lingua inglese: stilistica linguistica e contrasti [...]
Linguistica della traduzione
Lingua inglese 3
Lingua inglese mutuato da Lingua inglese - b
Lingua inglese –b
Lingua inglese –b mutuato da DM 270
Linguistica della traduzione
Lingua inglese
Lingua inglese 3
Lingua inglese mutuato da DM 270
Lingua inglese –b
Lingua inglese –b mutuato da DM 270
Lingua inglese 3
Lingua inglese –b
Lingua inglese: teoria e pratica della traduzione [...]
Lingua inglese 3
Lingua inglese –b
Lingua inglese: teoria e pratica della traduzione [...]
Lingua inglese 3
Lingua inglese –b
Lingua inglese: teoria e pratica della traduzione [...]
Lingua inglese - b
Lingua inglese: teoria e pratica della traduzione [...]
Lingua inglese - b
Lingua inglese: teoria e pratica della traduzione [...]

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CV (abridged version)

   Annalisa Baicchi graduated  'summa cum laude'  and  'dignità di stampa'  (with 'honors' and 'publication award') in Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Pisa. In the same year she was nominated life member of the Taylorian Institution (University of Oxford) where her research dissertation was awarded as a valuable adjunct to the Moore studies. She obtained four post-master degrees in Text Linguistics, English Language Teaching, Translation Studies, and Academic Writing. She won a Ph.D. scholarship in Linguistics of Modern Languages at the University of Pisa to research English Cognitive Semantics and she was awarded the Ph.D. title defending a dissertation on "Fictivity and Metaphoricity in the combinatorial semantics of cognition nouns and motion verbs".  She won a post-doctoral scholarship in Applied Linguistics at the University of Pisa to research on "Corpus Linguistics for text and discourse purposes and development of hypermedia teaching software".


   Her main research interests are in Functional-Cognitive Linguistics and include Cognitive Semantics, Inferential Pragmatics, Construction Grammar, Affective Morphology, Acquisitional Linguistics, Computational Lexicography, Contrastive Linguistics, Translation Studies and Linguistic Stylistics.  


    She is a member of three International Projects for the development of a 'Semantic Theory of Meaning Construction' and she is research director of the Italian computational implementation of an ontological multi-purpose and multi-lingual Natural Language Processing System.     


    She has published close to ninety papers and book chapters in national and international journals and collections. She has authored volumes on Pragmatics, English Language Teaching, and Construction Grammar.  She has edited volumes on Cognitive Linguistics and Translation Studies. 


    She has delivered papers and lectures in many national and international conferences and has been invited as a Keynote Speaker in a number of International Conferences, Doctoral Programmes and Summer Schools.


    She has been Visiting Scholar at the St.Edmund Hall of the University of Oxford (UK), Visiting Scholar at the St.Catherine's College of the University of Oxford (UK), Visiting Professor at the  University of Chicago (USA), Visiting Professor at the University of La Rioja (Spain), Visiting  Faculty Professor at New York Eugene Nida School of Translation Studies (USA), Visiting  Fellow at the University of Southampton (UK), and Visiting Professor at Fudan University of Shanghai (China).  


    She has organised the 1st International Cognitive Linguistics Conference held in Italy "Modelling  Thought and Constructing Meaning. Cognitive Models in Interaction"  (November 2003),  and the  2nd International Symposium on Figurative Thought and Language  (October 2015).  She has also participated in several scientific and organizing committees of international conferences such as  ICLC (International Cognitive Linguistics Conference),  SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea),  IPrA (International Pragmatics Association Conference),  ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English), CRAL (Center of Research in Applied Linguistics),  TiCoM (Third International Conference on Multimodality),  SiL (Space in Language),  MKR (Meaning and Knowledge Representation), COGSCI (The Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society), FTL (The Annual Symposium on Figurative Tought and Language), FRAME (Contrastive Phraseology). 


    She serves on the scientific and advisory boards of Pragmatics and SocietyAIΩN-LinguisticaExplorations in English Language and Linguistics, Facta Universitatis: Linguistics and Literature; Linguistica e TraduzioneMateriali Linguistici.  


    She  serves as a peer referee for a number of journals: AtlantisChild Development, English Language Research, ESPFirst Language, IbericaJournal of Pragmatics, Language and Cognition, Language Science, LinguaФилоло́гия, Pragmatics and CognitionReview of Applied Linguistics,  Review of Cognitive Linguistics,  Revue Romane,  Signos, Textus.     


    She serves as a peer referee for VQR ('Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca', Anvur-ENQA), for National Research Projects, PRIN ('Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale'),  SIR (Scientific Independence of Young Researchers) and  REPRISE  (Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation) sponsored by Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca,  and for International Research Projects, e.g., FWO ('Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek', Bruxelles), ANEP (Investigation, Development and Innovation,  Ministry of Economy and Competition, Spain),  DFF  ('Det Frie Forskningsråd')  and  FTP  ('Forskningsråd, Teknologi og Produktion') for the 'Dansk Ministeriet for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser' (Denmark),  The British Academy: The UK's National Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences (UK).


    She is Associate Editor of MetBib (John Benjamins Publishing Company).



Temi di ricerca

Con interesse sia teorico sia sperimentale e applicativo rivolto alla Linguistica Inglese, la ricerca è focalizzata sulla complessità sistemico-adattiva della costruzione del significato ai vari livelli dell’organizzazione della lingua inglese (e.g. lessico, fraseologia, significato verbale, costruzioni sintattiche complesse, significato preposizionale) e del testo/discorso (coesione/coerenza, atti linguistici, scenari illocutori, processi comunicativi metonimici, politeness/impoliteness) al fine di tracciare —anche attraverso il confronto contrastivo e traduttivo, la prospettiva diacronica, i protocolli sperimentali nell’acquisizione linguistica e le applicazioni di lessicografia computazionale a base ontologica— la stretta correlazione tra le strutture linguistiche/testuali della lingua inglese, i sistemi concettuali e i contesti socio-culturali. Lessicologia e Lessicografia, Construction Grammar, Semantica Cognitiva e Pragmatica Inferenziale costituiscono pertanto i principali ambiti di ricerca.


Oggetto di numerose pubblicazioni nazionali e internazionali, i temi di ricerca sono stati presentati con varie relazioni plenarie a congressi internazionali e hanno dato l’opportunità di organizzare sia convegni internazionali sia sessioni tematiche all’interno di convegni internazionali, e.g. SLE 2007, AESLA 2008, ESSE 2008, AELCO 2008, AESLA 2010, ESSE 2010, MKR 2012 al 2017, FTL 2014 al 2017. 

Progetti di ricerca

Si segnalano la direzione e la partecipazione a diversi progetti internazionali:

(1) Lessicografia computazionale: (1a) ‘Functional Grammar Knowledge Base’: direttore di ricerca per la rappresentazione di verbi e costruzioni sintattiche in un sistema computazionale a base ontologica concettuale per Natural Language Processing Systems; (1b) PRIN 2017-2020: responsabile per la ricerca in lessicografia e linguistica cognitiva;

(2) ‘LexiCom’: interfaccia Sintassi-Semantica, la transitivizzazione di verbi inglesi in costruzioni sintattiche complesse;

(3) ‘Constructions and Language Pedagogy’: acquisizione della lingua inglese, protocolli psicolinguistici sperimentali nell'acquisizione di costruzioni della L2;

(4) ‘CogMod’: atti linguistici interpersonali: costruzioni illocutorie e motivazione cognitiva. 


Con riferimento al progetto internazionale LexiCoM, la ricerca sul lessico e sulla semantica ha contribuito a elaborare una teoria semantica usage-based che, inglobando gli approcci lessicalisti e costruzionisti, in particolare quelli sviluppati da Hans Boas (2011) e Adele Goldberg (2006), offre gli strumenti per spiegare l’interazione fra la struttura argomentale e i processi inferenziali, illocutori e testuali nella costruzione del significato. Attualmente lo studio si focalizza su alcune classi di verbi inglesi e ne indaga la polisemia, identificando i processi metonimici e metaforici, l’alternanza e i mutamenti della struttura argomentale quando i verbi sono inseriti in una gamma di costruzioni sintattiche.

All’interno del progetto internazionale Functional Grammar Knowledge Base e sulla base della sopracitata teoria semantica usage-based, è stato implementato un sistema lessicografico computazionale a base ontologica il quale integra le informazioni lessicali e sintattiche con le rappresentazioni concettuali; la versatilità del sistema consente la costruzione semi-automatica di una base di conoscenza lessico-concettuale multifunzione e multilingue, la quale si rivela di ampia utilità in vari tipi di applicazioni nei sistemi di Natural Language Processing, quali la traduzione automatica, i sistemi dialogue-based, e la categorizzazione testuale. 





Baicchi, Annalisa. Illocutionary Constructions. A Cognitive Pragmatics Perspective. Berlin/Boston, Mouton de Gruyter. (monograph in preparation).


Baicchi, Annalisa. Language, Ethics, and Emotions. Berlin, Springer. (monograph under review)


Baicchi, Annalisa. Contrastive Explorations of Motion Events. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins. (monograph under review)


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2015). Construction Learning as a Complex Adaptive System. Psycholinguistic evidence from L2 learners of English. Berlin, Springer.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2012). On Acting and Thinking. Studies Bridging between Speech Acts and Cognition. Pisa, ETS.                              


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2001). Linguistic Skills and Communicative Abilities. Pisa: SEU. 


Edited Journals:



Baicchi, Annalisa, Facchinetti, Roberta, Cacchiani, Silvia, Bertacca, Antonio (eds). (2018). Revisiting Shakespeare’s Language. Special Issue of English Text Constructions 11: 1.


Baicchi, Annalisa, Bagasheva, Alexandra (Eds). (2017). Figurativity We Live By. The Cognitive Underpinnings and Mechanisms of Figurativity in Language. Special Issue of Textus XXX (1): 1-268. 


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2007). Voices on Translation. Linguistic, Multimedia and Cognitive Perspectives. Special Issue of RILA, Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 49 (1, 2): 1-430.


Edited Books:



Baicchi Annalisa (2018). Figurative Thought and Language. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Baicchi Annalisa, Digonnet Rémi, Sandford, Jodie (eds.) (2017). Epistemology, Embodiment, and Language: Sensory Perceptions and Representations. Berlin, Springer.


Baicchi, Annalisa, Pinelli Erica (eds). (2017). Cognitive Modelling in Language and Discourse across Cultures. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Baicchi Annalisa, Broccias Cristiano, Sansò Andrea (eds). (2005). Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning. Cognitive Models in Interaction.  Materiali Linguistici 50. Milano: Franco Angeli.


Journal Articles and Book Chapters:



Baicchi, Annalisa. The cline of veridicality between concrete experience and abstract thought. (article under review)


Baicchi, Annalisa, Della Putta, Paolo (2018). Constructions at work in foreign language learners’ mind. A comparison between two sentence-sorting experiments with English and Italian learners. (article under review) Review of Cognitive Linguistics .


Baicchi Annalisa (2018). On the four-hundredth anniversary since the Bard’s death. In Annalisa Baicchi, Roberta Facchinetti, Silvia Cacchiani, Antonio Bertacca (eds). (2018). Revisiting Shakespeare’s Language. Special Issue of English Text Constructions 11: 1.


Baicchi, Annalisa (2018). The inseparable pair of thought and language. By way of introduction. In Annalisa Baicchi, Roberta Facchinetti, Silvia Cacchiani, Antonio Bertacca (eds). (2018). Revisiting Shakespeare’s Language. Special Issue of English Text Constructions 11: 1.


Baicchi, Annalisa (2018). The act of suggesting from a historical pragmatics perspective. In Annalisa Baicchi, Roberta Facchinetti, Silvia Cacchiani, Antonio Bertacca (eds). (2018). Revisiting Shakespeare’s Language. Special Issue of English Text Constructions 11: 1.


Baicchi, Annalisa (2017). Ception and the discrepancy between vision and language. In Annalisa Baicchi, Rémi Digonnet, Jodie Sandford (eds.) (2017). Epistemology, Embodiment, and Language: Sensory Perceptions and Representations. Berlin: Springer.


Baicchi, Annalisa, Digonnet, Rémi, Sandford, Jodie (2017). Windows to the world: the language of senses. In Annalisa Baicchi, Rémi Digonnet, Jodie Sandford (eds.) (2017). Epistemology, Embodiment, and Language: Sensory Perceptions and Representations. Berlin: Springer.


Baicchi, Annalisa, Bagasheva, Alexandra. (2017). 1987-2017: Thirty years of Idealised Cognitive models. Textus XXX (1): 15-23.


Pinelli, Erica and Baicchi, Annalisa. (2017). Exploring the cognitive motivation of figurativity. In Annalisa Baicchi and Erica Pinelli (eds). (2017). Cognitive Modelling in Language and Discourse across Cultures. Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 9-19.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2017). Illocutionary constructions and conceptual metonymies. In Annalisa Baicchi and Erica Pinelli (eds). Cognitive Modelling in Language and Discourse across Cultures. Newcastle Upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 88-99.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2017). The relevance of conceptual metaphor in semantic interpretation. Estetica. Studi e Ricerche. Special Issue on Metaphor. Annamaria Contini (ed). 7 (1): 155-170.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2017). Emotions travelling across cultures. Embodied grounding of English vis-à-vis Italian prepositional phrases. In Angeliki Athanasiadou and Ad Foolen (eds). Special Issue on Emotions across Languages and Cultures. International Journal of Cultural Linguistics 4 (1): 24-46.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2017). How to do things with metonymy. In Angeliki Athanasiadou (ed), Studies in Figurative Thought and Language, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins: 75-104.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2016). The role of syntax and semantics in constructional priming. Experimental evidence from Italian university learners of English through a sentence-elicitation task. In Constructionist approaches to second language acquisition and foreign language teaching. Sabine De Knop and Gäetanelle Gilquin (eds.). Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter: 211-236.


Rosca, Andreea and Baicchi, Annalisa, (2016). Digging up the frequency of phrasal verbs in ESP: the case of ‘up’ in crime stories. Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación 67 (2): 273-296.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2015). Conceptual metaphor in the complex dynamics of illocutionary meaning. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 13 (1): 106-139.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2015). Cognitive Modeling. A linguistic perspective. Review article. RESLA. Journal of Applied Linguistics 28 (1): 341-347.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2014).  Cognitive and constructional analysis of the act of offering. Iperstoria 4: 80-94.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2014). Speech acts as high-level situational cognitive models”. In Elisabeth Schulze-Busacker and Vittorio Fortunati (eds.).  Par les siècles et par les genres. Hommages à Giorgetto Giorgi. Classiques Garnier. Garnier, Paris: 23-50.   


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2013). The ontological status of constructions in the mind of Italian university learners of English: Psycholinguistic evidence from a sentence-sorting experiment. In Carmen Argondizzo, Roberta Facchinetti, Diane Ponterotto (eds). Regenerating Community, Territory, Voices. Memory and Vision.  Language Studies. Napoli, Liguori: 18-24.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2013). Film titles and literary titles: Analysis of threshold items in different modes of communication. In Elena Montagna (ed), Readings in Intersemiosis and Multimedia. Como, Ibis: 149-170.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2012). FunGramKB: ontological and computational perspectives for Natural Language Processing. In Fiona Dalziel, sara Gesuato, Maria Teresa Musacchio (eds). A Lifetime of English Studies: Essays in Honour of Carol Taylor Torsello. Padova, Il Poligrafo: 53-67.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2012). Ception and the Connected Cognitive Entity. The case of motion events. In Giuseppe Mininni and Amalia Manuti (eds). Applied psycholinguistics. Positive effects and ethical perspectives. Milano, Franco Angeli: 419-427.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2011). Metaphoric motivation in grammatical structure. The case of the caused-motion construction from the perspective of the Lexical-Constructional Model. In Klaus-Uwe Panther and Günter Radden (eds). Motivation in grammar and the lexicon. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins: 140-170.


Baicchi, Annalisa, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José. (2010). The cognitive grounding of illocutionary constructions within the theoretical perspective of the Lexical-Constructional Model. Textus. English Studies in Italy. Special Issue on Cognition and the Brain in Language and Linguistics. XXIII: 87-112.    


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2010). Some observations on the typological constraints on translation: The case of directed motion constructions. In Giuseppe Palumbo (ed). I vincoli del tradurre. Roma, Officina Edizioni: 109-122.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2010). Idealized Cognitive Models at the interface between lexis and grammar. In Ignasi Navarro I Ferrando (ed). Language Systems and Cognitive Perspective. Valencia, Tyrant Lo Blanch:  187-208.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2009). Connotation and Denotation. In Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. Siobhan Chapman and Chris Routledge (eds). Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press: 25-27.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2009). Cognitive Linguistics. Internal Dynamics and Interdisciplinary Interaction. Functions of Language 161: 146-160.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2009). Speech Act Theory. In Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. Siobhan Chapman and Chris Routledge (eds). Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press: 212-219.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2009). The subsumption process of the intransitive-transitive migration. In Domenico Torretta, Marina Dossena, Aurelia Sportelli (eds). Forms of Migration, Migration of Forms. Bari, Progedit: 21-41.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2009). Signs and Semiotics. In Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. Siobhan Chapman and Chris Routledge (eds). Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press: 205-209.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2008). Quantitative Valency Addition within the Lexical-Constructional Model. Actes du 27ème Colloque International sur le Lexique et la Grammaire.  Paris, Université Paris-Est: 257-265. 


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2008). Studies in Linguistic Motivation. Review article. Language 9: 1-3.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2008). Space in Languages. Linguistic Systems and Cognitive Categories. Review article. Studies in Language 33 (3): 719-726.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2008). The Building Blocks of Meaning. Review article. eLanguage 8: 2-4.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2008). Constructing Meaning through Grammar. Observations on Constructional Complexity. In Marcella Bertuccelli, Antonio Bertacca, Silvia Bruti (eds). Studi di Linguistica e Letteratura. Festschrift in honor of Lavinia Merlini Barbaresi. Pisa, Felice: 447-463.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2007). Metaphictivity of the Mind in Motion. In Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Carlos Inchaurralde, Jesus Sánchez-García (eds). Mind, Language and the Lexicon. Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft 66. Bern, Peter Lang: 229-260.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2007). The Building Blocks of Meaning. Review article. Pragmatics 17 (3): 475-447.


Bertuccelli Papi, Marcella and Baicchi, Annalisa. 2007. Pragmatica e Semantica. SILTA: Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata.  Special Issues edited by Giovanni Iamartino on English Linguistics in Italy, 37: 91-123.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2007). On the linguistic representation of space: A contrastive analysis of path conformation. In Cityscapes. Islands of the Self. Language Studies, Laura Iottini, Gabriella Del Lungo, John Douthwaite (eds). Cagliari, Cuec: 82-101.


Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José and Baicchi, Annalisa. 2007. Illocutionary constructions: cognitive motivation and linguistic realization. In Istvan Kecksek and Lawrence Horn (eds). Explorations in Pragmatics:  Linguistic, Cognitive, and Intercultural Aspects. Berlin/Boston, Mouton de Gruyter: 95-128.


Baicchi, Annalisa. 2007. Iconicity and Indexicality: A perceptual approach to language. In Peter Marteison and Pascal Michelucci. Epistemology and Methodology: 81-90.


Palumbo, Giuseppe and Baicchi, Annalisa. 2007. New and renewed perspectives on translation: A selected bibliography of Translation Studies (1997-2007). RILA, Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 49 (1, 2): 405-416.


Baicchi, Annalisa. 2007. Translation as evidence of linguistic and cognitive complexity. RILA, Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 49 (1, 2): 9-17.


Baicchi, Annalisa. 2007. Foreword. RILA, Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 49 (1, 2): 7-9.


Baicchi, Annalisa. 2007. Conceptual Integration and Translation. In Marcella Bertuccelli Papi, Gloria Cappelli and Silvia Masi (eds). Lexical Complexity: Theoretical Assessment and Translational Perspectives, Pisa, Plus: 85-98.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2007). Aspects of Meaning Construction. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 5: 307-323.


Baicchi, Annalisa. (2006). Resultative Events in Cognitive Translation Studies. In: Anthony Baldry, Maria Gabriella Pavesi, Carol Taylor Torsello, Chris Taylor. From Didactas to eColingua: An Ongoing Research Programme on Translation and Corpus Linguistics. Trieste, EUT: 143-165.


Baicchi, Annalisa and Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José (2006). Illocutionary constructions. In Martin Pütz (ed). General & Theoretical Papers. Volume 668. Essen: Linguistic LAUD Agency: 1-28.


Baicchi, Annalisa (2005). Metaphictive Motion Events. In Annalisa Baicchi, Cristiano Broccias, Andrea Sansò. Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning. Cognitive Models in Interaction. Materiali Linguistici 50. Milano, Franco Angeli: 55-75.


Baicchi, Annalisa (2004). The lexicon of cognition: Some preliminary notes. In Carol Taylor Torsello, Maria Grazia Busà, Sara Gesuato (eds). Lingua Inglese e mediazione linguistica. Ricerca e didattica con supporto telematico. Padova, Unipress: 93-116.


Baicchi Annalisa (2004). John Locke. In Siobhan Chapman and Chris Routledge. Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press: 183-186.


Baicchi Annalisa (2004). Cataphoric indexicality of titles. In Karen Ajimer and Ana-Brita Stenstrom (eds). Discourse Patterns in Spoken and Written Corpora. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins: 17-38.


Baicchi Annalisa (2004). Bertrand Russell. In Siobhan Chapman and Chris Routledge. Key Thinkers in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press: 227-233. 


Baicchi Annalisa (2004). Translating phrasal combinations across the typological divide. In Marcella Bertuccelli Papi, Gloria Cappelli, Silvia Masi (eds). Studies in the Semantics of Lexical Combinatory Patterns. Pisa, Plus: 487-519. 


Baicchi Annalisa (2003). Iconicity vs. Cognitive Constraints: a Pragmatic-oriented discussion. In Clara Molina (ed). Cognitive Linguistics in Spain at the Turn of the Century. Grammar and Semantics. Madrid, UAM: 103-114. 


Baicchi Annalisa (2003). Cognitive Linguistics in Italy. Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata 3: 161-168. 


Baicchi Annalisa (2003). Relation complexity of titles and texts: A semiotic taxonomy. In: Lavinia Merlini Barbaresi. Complexity in Language and Text. Pisa, Plus: 319-341.


Baicchi Annalisa (2003). Pragmatics of Affect and Cognition. In Carlos Inchaurralde and Celia Floren (eds). Interaction and Cognition in Linguistics. Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft 50. Bern, Peter Lang: 177-185.


Baicchi Annalisa (2002). Economy, Markedness and Translation. In Giovanni Iamartino, Maria Luisa Bignami, Carlo Pagetti. The Economy Principle in English: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Perspectives. Milano, Unicopli: 42-53.


Baicchi Annalisa (2002). The Translation of Personality: Prismatic Dynamics of Emotive Markers. Textus XIV: 145-162.


Baicchi Annalisa (2001). Text complexity: The signans as a signatum. In Carol Taylor Torsello, Giuseppe Brunetti, Nicoletta Penello (eds). Corpora testuali per ricerca, traduzione e apprendimento linguistico. Padova, Unipress: 165-176.


Baicchi Annalisa (2001). Teaching English Worldwide. TESL-EJ 4 (1): 1-5. 


Baicchi, Annalisa (2000). Iconicity and Indexicality. ASSA-Applied semiotics/Sémiotique appliquée 10: 530-537.


Baicchi Annalisa (1999). Social and Cognitive Approaches to Interpersonal Communication. TESL-EJ 4 (2): 1-5.


Baicchi Annalisa (2000). The Working Week. Spoken business English with a lexical approach. TESL-EJ 4 (4): 1-4.


Baicchi Annalisa (1999). Social and Cognitive Approaches to Interpersonal Communication. Pragmatics 9 (4): 606-609. 


Baicchi Annalisa (1993). Un inedito di Edward Moore. Napoli, Federico & Ardia: 33-43.  





Baicchi, Annalisa (under review). One Step towards the Sun.


Baicchi Annalisa (1988). The Healing Heart. Come convivere con l’infarto. Roma: Armando Armando.




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Università degli Studi di Pavia
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